Thursday, November 21, 2013

Who I Am

I am an individual that believes in the power of positive influence. I want to do everything I am able to do in order to better the lives of those around me. I chose this picture, because I believe that it shows the excitement and determination I have to go out in the world and do what I feel needs to be done. This lake is ten miles from the trailhead and has a good elevation climb. My Dad and I decided to make the hike in one day and that is exactly what we did. It was sunny without a cloud in the sky and the heat was exhausting. We persevered and the experience was definitely worth the amount of hard work we put in. I was able to prove to myself that I can do what I set my mind to.
The link is to a site that is another important part of what I believe in. Being a Christian, I expect to be criticized for my beliefs. I have been called many different names and put into many stereotypes. These insults do not phase me and I pray for those who believe that their beliefs are above mine. I try live my life the way I do, by doing everything in love. That is the way God would want me to live and the people who are against me deserve the same love that God has given to me all of my life. I pray for those who have not found it yet. Who am I? I am a believer in the power of God and the power of positive influence. With help, I can be a positive influence to others and hopefully someone's life will be better because of it.

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