Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What I Want to Learn

Life is short. Life is like a blink of an eye in the whole body of time and existence. There are so many possible things to do and see in a lifetime, I feel that choosing wisely is important. I do not want sit around wasting my life when there are so many things to learn and so little time. I want to experience an adventure like never before. To the left is a picture that I believe shows exactly what I am talking about. There is a swing in Ecuador that one can sit on without any safety features. The man on the swing is experiencing a sense of adventure. I want to know what it looks like to never hold back, to give life every effort that I have in order to experience the wonders of the world. I want to learn what it means to be adventurous. Right now, I feel cooped up in college similar to a tiger in a cage. I want to jump out and attack the world with a ferocious intensity. Learning everything that I can possibly learn about God's green earth before I have to leave it forever. This seems extremely broad and confusing, but I promise, it will make more sense soon.
What do I, Mikayla Finley, want to learn? I want to learn about the people I can help, and how I can help them. First, I would like to learn as much about health sciences as I can at Boise State University. I want to teach and bring nutrition to those in third-world countries. I want to learn about their living situations; and learn how I can better those situations. This may include teaching classes on nutrition, collecting and distributing food, whatever it may be to help those in need. This is the adventure I have chosen for myself. Holding nothing back, and giving everything I have to increase awareness and stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I want to know how to jump for my dreams, but not let go of reality.

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