Friday, November 22, 2013

My Academic Goals

This is the beautiful Boise State University. I am currently studying Health Sciences with a Public Health Emphasis. So far, college has been one of the most interesting and wild experiences I have ever had. I still remember the first weekend I moved in. Terrified, alone, looking for anyone who would accept me, I wandered campus. The entire first few days I did not eat. This was because I was too afraid to eat alone in the cafeteria. It was odd walking to classes and not knowing everyone on campus. I came from a graduating class of sixty-four students. The largest my high school had ever seen. The biggest culture shock was the amount of homework. Life had become a real struggle for me. An immediate goal would be to pass this semester with a 3.5 GPA. I have accepted the challenge and am ready to give it my all.
An academic long-term goal would be to finish in four. At the rate I am going, I will be a member of the graduating class of 2017. The future is really exciting to think about. Sure classes are guaranteed to be more difficult and financial restrictions are going to hold me back a bit, but it will be worth it. When these goals are reached I can move on and make new goals for a career. When you move on, "you get a strange feeling when you are about to leave a place, like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and place because you'll never be this way ever again", this feeling is what I have to look forward to.

My Personal Theory of Writing

Volleyball is my passion, not writing. Volleyball is something I do, because I love the game. I love the teamwork that is incorporated as well as the team itself. There are dynamics to volleyball that cannot be found anywhere else. Skills must be acquired and rules must be followed. The same can be said about writing. Whether writing be your passion or a pain, it is difficult to learn but good to know.

Some people have the talent and passion for it and I respect that. In my experience I have found that writing is like learning to play the piano. First you must learn to follow the rules, then you must forget the rules and play by the heart. As for me, I am still learning how to follow the rules. Writing is a constant opportunity to learn. Everyday that I am in English 101 I learn something new. There are so many genres, techniques, grammatical rules to explore and master. One of my favorite forms of writing is that of "writing badly". This is the idea that if anyone picks up a pencil and puts it to the paper, an idea will be born. Try it, write your thoughts about any topic onto a paper. Keep writing and building off the last thing you wrote, ask questions and answer them, etc. Eventually you will come up with an unorganized, scattered, somewhat meaningless piece of writing. However, you now have ideas that you otherwise wouldn't have. It is a good alternative to wasting time and waiting for an inspiration. Instead, you can be your own inspiration.
Everyone can gain something by learning the art of writing. Why? Because everyone writes. It is inevitable that you will have to use some form of writing for your career field; whether it be a data sheet, a statistical analysis, an employer review, or a resumé, a research paper etc. Therefore, it is important to learn now, so that you may be able to apply what you have learned later.

I feel like this is an appropriate time to add a warning label. WARNING: writing is more difficult than it looks. If I have learned anything this semester it is that writing takes practice. Practice, practice, practice. I do not think it is possible to emphasize this enough. Think of your favorite author. What do you love about their writing? Why? Unless whomever you just thought of is a prodigy, it is likely that his or her own writing was once as terrible as yours. Everyone has to start somewhere.

As a fellow writer looking to better myself, I would suggest starting with something you like about writing. My two favorite techniques are emotion and visualization. Yes, they can be defined and the concepts can be understood. However, it takes skill and practice to be able and make the reader feel as if their writing, is reality. This is what I love about Stephen King's writing. He is a master at both emotion and visualization, as you can tell from an excerpt in his newest book Doctor Sleep
Do not expect your writing to be at this level, like I said, everyone has to start somewhere. It was always discouraging to receive my paper back from my teacher and see that it is covered in red correction ink. I used to feel like a failure until I decided to look at it from a different point of view. There will always be room for improvement. If you take the help that is offered, and learn from it, your writing can only get better.

What I Want to Achieve

Everyone has their fair share of "hits" in their lifetime. But like Rocky said, "You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you're hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward". Right now, college feels like it is punching me right in the face. After that it will be a certification exam, the economy, the job market, there will always be something hitting me. These things are the reality that I must face. Eventually, I would like to become a certified nutritionist by the National Board of Nutrition Support Certification so that I may teach others the importance of living a healthy lifestyle . I have included this link in case anyone is interested in becoming certified as well. From there I would like to be a partner with a dietician and help people locally. However, I believe that everyone should have the equal chance to live life to its full potential. That is why I plan on taking my knowledge and share it with those in third-world countries. Mahatma Ghandi once said, "to believe in something and not live it, is dishonest". These are the things I want to achieve. I have set goals for myself and know how to reach them, but that does not mean that it will be easy. "The difference between who you are and who you want to what you do".

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Most Important Thing I Know

Call me a child, but I am a sucker for Disney quotes. I agree with Lilo in that "Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten". Family is forever. They are the ones who never give up on you, even when you feel like giving up on yourself. The most important thing I know is that family comes first. Close your eyes and think about a moment in your life. Think of a moment when you were most happy. Now think of a moment of great achievement. Think of a moment that you would rather be in. Hopefully you have one of these moments. The people that were there with you in that moment, those people are your family. Never lose sight of that. Do not live your life for yourself, when there are others that have lived a piece of their lives to help you out. Give back to them and treat them with respect. Too many times kids talk back to their parents and friends gossip about their "friends". Since when did this become a social norm?  Since when is it satisfying to live for yourself and better yourself in others' eyes? One of the most important things I know is that family is forever. I challenge you to look into your families' eyes, smile at them, and tell them how important they are to you.

My Life As A Student

I recently graduated from Nampa Christian Schools. It was an amazing experience. Being in a smaller income family, I know that it was definitely a blessing to be able to go there. My parents made amazing sacrifices for my education and I was able to repay them by putting in my one hundred percent. Some of my achievements in my life as a student include graduating first in my class, being a valedictorian, as well as vice president of National Honor Society. I was able to receive scholarships that I used towards attending Boise State University. Here I am. Eighteen years old without any loans gaining secondary education at public university. I once saw an anonymous quote and it read, "The things you take for granted someone else is praying for". I hope to remember that being able to go to BSU is a privilege that not everyone has. I plan on graduating with a Health Science major in 2017 and continue studying nutrition and healthy living so that I may become a certified nutritionist someday. That is the past present and future of my life as a student. Now, if you are bored to death of reading this blog about my education and are wondering, "What is the point?", hang in there. Not everyone does well in school; and school is not for everyone. I am where I am today, because I know what it means to work hard. Sometimes it isn't fun, sometimes we must do things that we would rather not do in life. But remember what Ghandi said, "The future depends on what we do in the present". Work hard and you can achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Who I Am

I am an individual that believes in the power of positive influence. I want to do everything I am able to do in order to better the lives of those around me. I chose this picture, because I believe that it shows the excitement and determination I have to go out in the world and do what I feel needs to be done. This lake is ten miles from the trailhead and has a good elevation climb. My Dad and I decided to make the hike in one day and that is exactly what we did. It was sunny without a cloud in the sky and the heat was exhausting. We persevered and the experience was definitely worth the amount of hard work we put in. I was able to prove to myself that I can do what I set my mind to.
The link is to a site that is another important part of what I believe in. Being a Christian, I expect to be criticized for my beliefs. I have been called many different names and put into many stereotypes. These insults do not phase me and I pray for those who believe that their beliefs are above mine. I try live my life the way I do, by doing everything in love. That is the way God would want me to live and the people who are against me deserve the same love that God has given to me all of my life. I pray for those who have not found it yet. Who am I? I am a believer in the power of God and the power of positive influence. With help, I can be a positive influence to others and hopefully someone's life will be better because of it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What I Want to Learn

Life is short. Life is like a blink of an eye in the whole body of time and existence. There are so many possible things to do and see in a lifetime, I feel that choosing wisely is important. I do not want sit around wasting my life when there are so many things to learn and so little time. I want to experience an adventure like never before. To the left is a picture that I believe shows exactly what I am talking about. There is a swing in Ecuador that one can sit on without any safety features. The man on the swing is experiencing a sense of adventure. I want to know what it looks like to never hold back, to give life every effort that I have in order to experience the wonders of the world. I want to learn what it means to be adventurous. Right now, I feel cooped up in college similar to a tiger in a cage. I want to jump out and attack the world with a ferocious intensity. Learning everything that I can possibly learn about God's green earth before I have to leave it forever. This seems extremely broad and confusing, but I promise, it will make more sense soon.
What do I, Mikayla Finley, want to learn? I want to learn about the people I can help, and how I can help them. First, I would like to learn as much about health sciences as I can at Boise State University. I want to teach and bring nutrition to those in third-world countries. I want to learn about their living situations; and learn how I can better those situations. This may include teaching classes on nutrition, collecting and distributing food, whatever it may be to help those in need. This is the adventure I have chosen for myself. Holding nothing back, and giving everything I have to increase awareness and stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I want to know how to jump for my dreams, but not let go of reality.