Thursday, November 21, 2013

My Life As A Student

I recently graduated from Nampa Christian Schools. It was an amazing experience. Being in a smaller income family, I know that it was definitely a blessing to be able to go there. My parents made amazing sacrifices for my education and I was able to repay them by putting in my one hundred percent. Some of my achievements in my life as a student include graduating first in my class, being a valedictorian, as well as vice president of National Honor Society. I was able to receive scholarships that I used towards attending Boise State University. Here I am. Eighteen years old without any loans gaining secondary education at public university. I once saw an anonymous quote and it read, "The things you take for granted someone else is praying for". I hope to remember that being able to go to BSU is a privilege that not everyone has. I plan on graduating with a Health Science major in 2017 and continue studying nutrition and healthy living so that I may become a certified nutritionist someday. That is the past present and future of my life as a student. Now, if you are bored to death of reading this blog about my education and are wondering, "What is the point?", hang in there. Not everyone does well in school; and school is not for everyone. I am where I am today, because I know what it means to work hard. Sometimes it isn't fun, sometimes we must do things that we would rather not do in life. But remember what Ghandi said, "The future depends on what we do in the present". Work hard and you can achieve the goals you set for yourself.

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