Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Most Important Thing I Know

Call me a child, but I am a sucker for Disney quotes. I agree with Lilo in that "Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten". Family is forever. They are the ones who never give up on you, even when you feel like giving up on yourself. The most important thing I know is that family comes first. Close your eyes and think about a moment in your life. Think of a moment when you were most happy. Now think of a moment of great achievement. Think of a moment that you would rather be in. Hopefully you have one of these moments. The people that were there with you in that moment, those people are your family. Never lose sight of that. Do not live your life for yourself, when there are others that have lived a piece of their lives to help you out. Give back to them and treat them with respect. Too many times kids talk back to their parents and friends gossip about their "friends". Since when did this become a social norm?  Since when is it satisfying to live for yourself and better yourself in others' eyes? One of the most important things I know is that family is forever. I challenge you to look into your families' eyes, smile at them, and tell them how important they are to you.

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